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*MORFORD, M.P.O. & LENARDON, R.J. 1994 (ed.5) Classical Mythology White Plains, N.Y. [Read section on Heracles pp.420-448, Helen pp.352-358, and Oedipus pp.324-329] <292.13 MORF>
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Write an essay of about 2000 words on one of the following topics. Submission date:
Tuesday 10 May. Please hand in your essay to the Departmental Secretary, Beattie 203.
Heroes are often seen as paradigms of manhood. Do the myths of Heracles and Oedipus support this view?
"Female heroes are mainly defined in cult and myth by their relations to male kin." Evaluate this statement with respect to the myth and cult of Helen.
Examine the cults and stories of the Amazons and discuss their significance and function for Greek culture and society
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