Monday, March 05, 2007

CCI Term I Essay Questions

Classical Civilization I
-Term I-
Essay Questions

1. Explain what the most significant differences are between human life under Paleolithic and Mesolithic conditions and life after the Neolithic transitions.
2. Discuss what is meant by the term ‘Civilization’ and exemplify some of the features you consider definitive. Draw for examples from Mesopotamian and/or Egyptian history.
3. Reflect on the importance of the mastery of agriculture for the birth of cities and the historical development of civilization.
4. Discuss the emergence of writing in the ancient past and its consequences for history.
5. Discuss the political, social and economic effects of one or more forms of technologies considered in this course.
6. Discuss the significance of the Mediterranean Sea in shaping the histories of Mediterranean peoples in the 2nd Millenium BC.
7. Survey the history of Crete in its Mediterranean context from Minoan Civilization to the Dark Ages.
8. Survey the history of Greece from the Mycenaean Bronze Age through the collapse of the Dark Age to Homer and the beginning of the Archaic Period.
9. Survey the history of Pompeii in its Mediterranean context.
10. Discuss the question of the composition of the Odyssey.
11. Compare and contrast the epics of Gilgamesh and Odysseus.
12. What are some of the values manifested in the Odyssey?

These essay assignments are due on March 16th and 23rd 2007 no later than 17h00, without exception. You may choose to answer either two questions at 750 to 1000 words each or one at 1500-1800 words long. If you choose to do two smaller assignments the first must be handed in on March 16th the second March 23rd. You may, of course hand in a longer assignment any time up to Friday March 23rd . Consult relevant works and write plain lucid English. Do not use internet encyclopaedias, do not plagiarize. Quote and discuss analytically rather than paraphrase. Reference the works you have used in the same format as you find in your reader, for example:

Braudel, Fernand The Mediterranean in the Ancient World [trans. Siân Reynolds] (London, 2001)


Starr, Chester G. A History of the Ancient World (Oxford, 1965)

You must include a signed declaration of scholarly honesty, a bibliography of works referenced, page numbers and a word count.

Wherever possible substantiate your assertions with reference to specific historical evidence and important works of relevant scholarship. If you wish use photographs, maps, pictures or graphs of any kind that are pertinent to your discussion, just remember to acknowledge all sources.

You will not be judged very harshly for this first assignment, but you must try to excell. I shall look for evidence of a critical historical awareness, signs that you have internalized information and reflected on the meaning of historical processes and can read, interpret and analyse works pertinent to your given question.

Most important: Enjoy yourself...

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