Monday, August 04, 2008

CC I 2008 3rd Quarter Essay Questions

- Civilisation -

An Introduction to Ancient History &Literature



Choose one of the following topics and write a lucid and well researched reply. Submit your work no later than August 26th, 2008. You will be generously rewarded for clarity of argument and expression, for evidence of real engagement with the ideas and mature use of sources. For sloppiness, for absence of historical insight or of any form of developed understanding of the most important ideas we discuss you will also be appropriately rewarded. For plagiarism you may very well be excluded from the university. Do not use internet encyclopaedias, rely rather on books and readings, the difference will be obvious to your marker, it always is. Please note that you will not be allowed to write on the same topic in your exam as you do for your essay.

1. Discuss the art of the Upper Paleolithic Age. Citing specific examples explain some of the theories of the origins and functions of decoration and artistic representation, explain which theories you find most convincing and why.

2. Discuss the role of the physical environment on early humans and its relation to the various transitions in human culture up to the beginning of the Neolithic period.

3. Explain the conditions, physical, social and economic which made possible the rise of egyptian civilisation.

4. Discuss the social effects of agriculture and writing, citing specific historical examples to substantiate your arguments.

5. Delineate the history of Pompeii as a mediterranean town adducing evidence from its remains to substantiate your points.

6. Survey the history of Crete in its Mediterranean context from Minoan Civilization to the end of the Bronze Age.

7. Discuss some of the values manifested in the Odyssey?

8. Discuss the question of the composition of the Odyssey.


  1. Although this question is likely so late as to be posthumous, would you mind confirming or otherwise the impression I have that one or more of these topics has been changed since you posted this?

    [Whatever my username is]

  2. PS: Your thoughts on the recent astrological dating of /The Odyssey/ would be read with the keenest interest.
