Braudel & Lewis-Williams 52-83
1. Where does Palaeolithic art have its source, in Braudel’s opinion? [2]
2. How does L-W define “method”? [2]
3. Explain L-W’s ideas about discovery, theory and evidence. (61-2)[7]
4. Explain the terms ‘art mobilier’, ‘parietal’, ‘anthropomorphic’, ‘therianthropes’. [2]
5. List three ways in which ‘Neanderthal Man’ differed from Homo sapiens. Why does L-W think that anthroplogists transported back in time would be at a loss among Neanderthals but not so a few thousand years later in the Upper Palaeolithic? [5]
6. Why was ‘the very idea of Palaeolithic art deeply disturbing’ initially? [3]
7. What are some limitations of the theory of explanation of ‘art for art’s sake’? [5]
8. Briefly explain the ‘problem’ Reinach created and his and the Abbé Breuil’s Totemism and sympathetic magic hypothesis. [5]
9. What did Vico think the essence of being human is and what is meant by ‘humanity created itself’? [5]
10. Explain the terms langue and parole, and synchronic and diachronic. [4]
11. Define ‘infer’, ‘induce’, ‘deduce’, ‘binary opposition’. [4]
12. Explain the difference between ‘superstructure’ and ‘infrastructure’, why would a ruling class seek to ‘mystify the social relations of production? (76-8) [7]
13. How does Lévi-Strauss explain the role and function of myth? (78) [4]
14. How can Leroi-Gourhan’s mythogram be said to be a ‘clear version of Lévi-Strauss’ Structuralism’? [3]
15. What is the ‘epistemological principle’ on which L-W’s later chapters are posited? (81-2)[4]
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