Thursday, September 24, 2009

Tutorial Week 3 Sept 28th – Oct 2nd CCI

The Neolithic Revolutiuon- Childe, Cauvin, Catal Höyük: Hodder’s Entanglement
47-51 84- 120

1. Define: subsistence, sedentary, predicated on, Levant, historiography, stratigraphy, Anatolia, naturalistic, schematic, figurative; [5] dialectic [2].
2. Explain the significance of Jarmo and Jericho (47-49). [4]
3. What are Mithen’s three features of the Mesolithic (lecture) and Cauvin's definition of 'neolithisation' (93). [5]
4. “Unless knowledge is defined as the endless accumulation of factual information, it is pointless to ask of prehistoric archaeology only that it confirms what we have already ‘known’ since the middle of the nineteenth century, or one is confusing science with ideology.” (89) Cauvin argues against a merely descriptive neolithic historiography and against the limitations of the “conception, founded on unverified ‘materialist’ premises concerning human nature . . . “ (89). Explain his argument. (86-90) [10]*
5. What have researchers under Hodder’s influence sought to achieve by means of ‘symbolic archaeology’? [2]
6. "What 'characterizes' a period is almost always prefigured in the period that precedes it. The cultural blossoming of the last hunter-gatherer cultures which would contribute to the Natufian culture was the product of this continuity." (Cauvin, 93). Describe the features of the Kebaran Culture.
7. Describe the cultural and economic features of the Natufian Peoples. (93-6) [6]
8. Explain the ‘new’ and ‘unique “ideology”’ found throughout the Near & Middle Eastern Neolithic? (97-102) [7]
9. Hodder’s interpretive strategy for understanding the material evidence at Catal Höyük is to speak of ‘four spheres of activity’. Explain these. (103-117) [12]
10. “To move the location of an oven may not seem like much, but in its entanglements such a change can have broad impact.” (Hodder, 116- 120) Explain, with examples, Hodder’s idea of ‘entanglement’. [16]

1 comment:

  1. this website shows the excavation of catal hoyuk:
